Behold! The Sun Comes Over The Mountain
Dual projected 20:00 videos, Arduino controlled lighting, graphite on velum, mica flakes, native wild flowers; 2017
”Behold! The sun comes over the mountain,” shown at the Richmond Art Collective, illustrates the capacity of feminist philosophies to provide a reconsideration of human boundaries. Approaching the idea of borders by highlighting what has been excluded from the dominant model stands in contrast to theories based on traditional authority and power. This body of work questions the rigidness of state division and highlights the political acts of resistance of the non-human actors. Examining connections and communications between mountains, flowers, trees and the sun across an arbitrarily human-determined border this exhibition consciously removes the human to ask, "How can we advocate for voices, issues, and concepts that have not had space prior?"
“Behold! The sun comes over the mountain” featured in ADJACENT Issue 4 “Borders and Bodies”